segunda-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2014

Common errors of technique in Hammer Throw.

Common errors of technique in Hammer Throw.
Common Errors in Preparatory Activities.
- Many releases in error relate to compete without sufficient heating, neglecting the amount of exercise
- Neglect in the selection of footwear and protective gloves.
Common errors in Hilt.
- Wield the hammer without putting the 2nd phalanx of the fingers of his left hand over fist.
- Negligence in placing the right hand over the left.
Common Errors in Starting Position.
- Exaggerated contraction of the muscles of the shoulders and chest.
- Do not bend your leg slightly.
- Do a little twist of the torso to the right.
- Do not stand with your back to the direction of the hammer throw.
Common errors in rotation Hammer (windlass).
- Do not push the hammer with arms outstretched, letting them flex.
- Allow passing hands behind the head, and not on the forehead and top of head.
- Clumsiness in trunk rotation to the right (while the hammer performs the path behind the body),
unbalancing up.
- Make the rotation of the hammer in front of him.
- Clumsiness, failing to cause the hammer strikes the lowest point of the path to the right of the right foot
and the highest point on the left of the left shoulder.
- Do not run the reels at increasing speeds.
- Run an overwhelming number of preparatory swings tired arm too much before the launch.
Common Errors in Turns.
- Arms flexed and contracted.
- Do not turn heel first (18O °) and complete return to the plant (18O °) of the left foot.
- Losing sight of the hammer during the turns.
- Take the left leg of the soil.
- Do not accelerate gradually the hammer at every turn.
- Do not give the time of "waiting" at every turn to start next.
- Do not counteract with the body centrifugal force generated by the rotating hammer. (You must tilt the body).
- Take a lot to put right leg on the ground after each spin.
Common errors in Hammer Throw Properly said.
- Launch the side of the left shoulder.
- Start doing the "pull" end with bent arms.
- Launching just created using the speed in three laps.
- Not coordinate final action, letting you add the action of the legs, trunk, chest and arms (extended).
- Do not throw over the left shoulder outside the 45 ° angle.
Common errors in Reversal.
- Lack of defense after the hammer throw, tipping up and committing a foul.

Source: Athletics

Technical Hammer Throw.

Technical Hammer Throw.
Hilt: Starting position, rotation of the hammer throw and reversal action.
The hammer is safe with your left hand (right handed release) released for the left side. In order to achieve greater firmness in
Release the right hand is placed upon pressing the left. The wrists are parallel. The use of gloves is permitted.
The Starting Position: Athlete puts himself at the back of the circle with their backs to the direction of the hammer throw, small
lateral spacing and the knees slightly bent.
The Rotation Hammer: Boost hammer with straight arms. The hammer goes down in front of the body, for
inclined plane flexing his arms, his hand coming towards the top of the head, the torso in this position performs
a rotation sudden passing right forearm over his head. When the hammer begins his last
swing and spin down, from right to left, the athlete is at the start of the 1st 3 rounds which should
run before releasing it.
The Action to Launch: At the end of the 3rd round, only the "drop" the hammer will ensure a good release thanks to the great strength
3 revolutions of the centrifuge. The hammer is released onto the left shoulder at an angle of roughly 45 ° with respect to
The Reversal: It's the return of the feet at the end of the release in the "drop".

Source: Athletics

The Hammer Throw.

The Hammer Throw.
The hammer throw requires men of great stature and weight, endowed with great muscular strength. The past martelistas
exceeded weight of 100Kg. It requires great balance, coordination, speed, arm and legs strong, mighty fists,
requires years to highlight the launch of hammers, perseverance and willpower.
The set of hammer (head, cable and wrist) weighs 7.26 kg, measures l, 215m long and is throwing circle of 2.135 m
diameter should be launched within the fence (cage) within a sector of 45 °.

Source: Athletics

Physical Exercises for Javelin Thrower.

Physical Exercises for Javelin Thrower.
Series of Exercises for Fitness From the Dart Thrower.
Series of Exercises for Fitness From the Dart Thrower.
Series of Exercises for Fitness From the Dart Thrower.
Series of Exercises for Fitness From the Dart Thrower.
Series of Exercises for Fitness From the Dart Thrower.
Series of Exercises for Fitness From the Dart Thrower.
Series of Exercises for Fitness From the Dart Thrower.

Source: Athletics

Javelin - Exercise Specialist.

Javelin - Exercise Specialist.
Specialized Exercises for the javelin throw:
The javelin throw is among the evidence Launch athletic, which requires a special physical fitness, taking into
view the dynamic requirements of proof. The javelin, harmonization of the basic qualities that identify the
sprinter, the jack and the launcher, is reflected by an explosive moment and, while soft, with a continuity which
is responsible for the beauty of the movements that make this race one of the most artistic launches a program
athletic. It is also the javelin proof more spontaneous between releases that integrate a Olympic program.
In fact, the simplicity of his signature moves reminds us a boy throwing a stone.
But along with all the naturalness of action and harmony of movements, imposed as a basic condition, the great "force
explosive "required the pitcher and the exceptional flexibility required radio-humeral joint (elbow) and
scapular-humeral (shoulder). And it is the responsibility of this flexibility, in large part, the elasticity of the muscles
fall at the ends of the bones that articulate, defining the joints of the elbow and shoulder.
Allied to this requirement, we find another well-defined anatomical condition: preparing exceptional care it deserves
the dorsal wall, not only to strengthen the muscle groups that are located there, as well as the great flexibility
of the spine. Taking better care of these "weaknesses", we will not only adequately prepare the launcher, as
Also putting him safe from accidents, as commonly affect the continuity of training.
It only takes a quick analysis of the exercises that make up the series javelin throw, to convince us of the truth
these statements.
The various devices cited in the exercises could, with a little imagination, be replaced by more simple
and constitution easier and much more affordable price. Try it!
We hope, moreover, draw the attention of our readers, mainly on the technical feature that identifies the
exercises numbers 63, 64, 65 and 69.
They are exercising the "approach phase" of the javelin throw and whose
technical characteristics are as follows:
A) the approach phase is composed of five times rhythmic
B) at times 1, 2 and 3 the athlete carry the dart "high position to the low position";
C) at time 4, characterized by a "cross-step" (right leg crosses beside the left leg), the athlete situates
hips and trunk in relation to the launch;
D) time 5 represents the "launch position" from here "action to launch" itself.

Source: Athletics

Javelin - General Rules.

Javelin - General Rules.
One. None javelin shall be valid without the metal tip of the head of the dart has wounded the ground before any other
part of the dart or if the competitor touches with any part of his body or limbs, or the arc lines
marked perpendicular parallel lines or the ground beyond these lines.
2nd. In no time, having prepared for the javelin throw and the javelin until it has been released into the air, the bidder may
rotate through so that your back is facing the sector launch.
3rd. Only material from release provided by the organizer can be used. No competitor may bring
any implement into the field.
4th. The dart must be thrown over the shoulder or upper arm launcher and should not be released as sling.
Note: There are allowed unorthodox styles.
5th. All entries to be valid, should fall into the inside of the lines marking the sector in
ground and that extends from the center of the arc of the circle of which the arc is a part, extend for a length of 100m
limiting the parallel runway. The ends of the sector shall be marked with flags in the sector, which measures
approximately 29 °.
6th. If the dart break when in the air, the attempt will not be counted, since the javelin throw has been made of  according to the rules.

Source: Athletics

Javelin - Common Mistakes.

Javelin - Common Mistakes.

Technique Of Common Errors in javelin throw in grip and transport.

In principle, any way of holding the dart that does not favor a firm grip at launch and any
transport detrimental moderate speed on approach or offer brought difficulties to the arm
Release back, obviously are not recommended.

Common errors in approximation:
A - Speed ​​disproportionate between the marks is a factor that contributes to a weak release. The beginner must take
mind that various speeds are recommended for different styles. This means that the speed at approximation
is very slow, no longer created the momentum necessary to javelin. If the speed is too strong, the launch has not
enough time to coordinate the action of the legs with forward movement of the torso and arms.

B - It should also be clear to the novice that if the brand gets too close to the throwing line, he "burn", and
get too far away he will lose.

Common Errors in Javelin Throw itself:
- An insufficient or too much tension on hand at the beginning of the launch.
- Lack of continuity in the transformation of the race of approach for the implementation of past finals (style).
- Dart brought out of alignment in the arm backwards.
- Extension incomplete arm rear.
- Launch more lateral than over his shoulder.
- Imbalance in the footsteps final.
- Javelin at an angle too high or too low.
- Release before any impulse (force) is applied to the body of the dart.
- Passed to stop short before the javelin.
- Do not bring your elbow in front of the hand. This defect often causes trauma to the throwing arm.
- Do not give entry hip simultaneously with the extension of the right leg.

Source: Athletics

Javelin - German Style.

Javelin - German Style.
a) Race Approach:
Distance, speed and method of adjustment similar to American brands.
b) Properly Javelin said:
One. When the right foot hits the 3rd mark, the left foot is brought forward, and the right side of the step executes
crosses the back. Hence the left is planted far ahead. This position leaves the javelin.
2nd. The reversal is identical to the other styles.
3rd. This style is also important to "flick" of the body.
4th. When the right foot hits the 3rd mark, the right arm is brought back. The body turns 1/4 turn when the right
is brought behind the left.
5th. The extension initiated by a forward movement and upward of the hips, and a vigorous twisting of the trunk to

Source: Athletics

Javelin - American Style.

Javelin - American Style.
a) Race Approach:
Starts the race from 24 to 27m. away. From 1 ° to 2 ° mark past seven and 50% strain. Hence the speed increases,
reaching 75% in 6 passed until the 3rd mark. From 3 ° mark the board are 3.5 m to 4.5 m and it is then that gives the jump,
preparation and javelin, itself. Dart on the shoulder, point upward.
b) Properly Javelin said:
One. When the right foot hits the 3rd mark of one to bounce, followed by 1/4 turn of the body. Once the right foot touches the
solo, the throwing arm is brought right behind. Then your body weight is resting more on the right foot, and is soon
moved to the left when the dart is loaded ahead.
2nd. The right elbow above his hand in the progression forward.
3rd. The left arm is brought back vigorously.
4th. The javelin is released immediately in front of the right shoulder and over it.

Source: Athletics

Javelin - Finnish Style.

Javelin - Finnish Style.
a) Making the brand:
Observers 6-7m, 20-22m and 29-32m.
There will be marked at 5 °, 13 ° and 18 ° past. Leaving the starting point with the left foot (right pitch).
b) Running Approach: Feet slightly apart, upright position, at a distance of 29-30m. Dart your hand to hold
near the ear with the lower end and a little left. The race begins with an imbalance and increases gradually.
Synchronized arms with the legs. The movement of the right arm is done by keeping constant the angle of the elbow. At 13 °
last is getting the style.
c) Javelin itself:
One. By taking the 1st step after the 2nd mark (with right foot), the athlete reaches over and takes the tip dart back and
aside. Untwisted hips, torso upright.
2nd. The 2nd step (left foot) is natural with octagonal foot forward and to the right, facing the dart trunk, hips
without rotating.
3rd. In step 3, the right leg crosses in front of left touching the ground with your foot parallel to the launch board. The
race decreases and the right foot should be placed slightly forward and to the right. Then, with the rotation of the trunk, the dart
is in the launch position. Arm slightly bent, nails out, palm up and tip passing nearby
4th. The right leg is flexed after cross step left is taken and extended well forward, one step over,
halting the momentum of the race with his foot toward the launch. Here is step 4 with the parade, trunk and javelin
likely to continue, then gives up the javelin throw.
5th. Starting the release, the right leg is extended, the trunk rotates to the direction of the launch, pulling the arm
bringing the hand behind the ear with the elbow in front, near the same. Then the dart gets thrust (whiplash)
by abrupt extension of the forearm. The trunk continues forward and, in the end, is shifted to the left (reverse).
The dart out at an angle of 40 ° to 45 ° and should be done in the direction perpendicular to tabua the javelin throw.

Source: Athletics

Types of Transportation - Javelin.

Types of Transportation - Javelin.
One. Over the shoulder or head, end up.
2nd. Under the arm.
3rd. Ahead of the body, tip down.

Source: Athletics

handles - Javelin.

handles - Javelin.

Javelin / Javelin Throw:


One. Finnish: Secure the back of the dart acordoamento with the middle finger and thumb. The indicator is extended
along and around the dart above acordoamento for balance. Only the thumb, the ring and hold the minimum
Dart by stringing.

2nd. Americana: the backside of the safe stringing, the indicator along with the thumb is extended along
the same (stringing) with a fingernail at the time of the indicator. The other fingers around the handle stringing.

3rd. German: dart by holding the back of acordoamento with the middle finger and thumb. The indicator is flexed at the end
acordoamento for the balance. The other fingers around the handle acordoamento.

Source: Athletics

The Javelin.

The Javelin.
1) is a dart shank cylindrical-conical with three parts:
One. a head of metal, finishing with a pointed tip;
2nd. a body of wood or metal;
3rd. a handle rope in the center of gravity.
The darts for the male category should be 800g (min) and have length of 260cm (min) to 270cm (maximum).
The darts for the female category should be 600g (min) and have length of 220cm (min) to 230cm (maximum).
2) The javelin is made from one track 30m minimum and maximum of 36.5 m long by 4m wide. This track is marked
2 by parallel lines 5cm wide.
3) The launch will run behind an arc of a circle drawn with a radius of 8m.
4) No entry shall be valid without the metal tip of the head has hurt the ground before any other part of
dart, or if the competitor touches with any part of the body the arc of the circle.

Source: Athletics

Specialized Exercises for the Discus Throw.

Specialized Exercises for the Discus Throw.
Like the proof hammer throw or hammer throw, the discus throw or launch disc also selects individuals physique
topping - good height and great weight.
It is, in fact, the record's release, the most classic of all the athletic events, and even today, several entities connected
Physical Education boast in their badges and crests the traditional figure of the discóbulo Mirus.
Looking under the rhythmic aspect, the release of the album resembles a "ballet" where the athlete within a space
extremely limited - a circle of 2.50 m in diameter - performs a series of energetic and harmonious movements in the form of spin.
Here, the athlete is also required great mobility of the pelvic girdle, which is necessary for achieving perfect
end of the release. The action of the legs is of such great importance in the release of the album, which some coaches and athletes
affirm that "throws up his legs."
However, a simple analysis of the exercises where noted special attention given separately, to the arms, trunk and
legs, convinces us that only by working harmoniaso of all segments of the body is one that we can
perfect launch.
There appears no contraindication to its practice by women, is a proof of great beauty and is in a
spectacle of real pleased the audience that attends competitions.
We also observed that besides the attention given to the muscles of the pelvic girdle, great attention is located in
development of muscle mass of the upper limbs and scapular region - every release is a test of strength.
The range of motion of the scapular-humeral articulation is focused, especially in this collection, through
exercises with various loads and also in isometric presented.

Source: Athletics

Release Disk - General Rules.

Release Disk - General Rules.
One. Where there is more than eight competitors, is allowed three attempts at each tives, and the eight that have the best form, will
three more attempts. If you tie in eighth place, you will have three additional attempts (where eight competitors,
or more, each can have six attempts.)
2nd. You must start the launch starting from a stopped position, and must not leave the circle until the disk has touched
the ground.
3rd. For the launch be valid, the record should fall so that the impact point lies within the inner angle of
45 ° marking lines on the ground.
4th. Each entry can be measured from the nearest mark made by the previous release (via a straight line
that mark to the center of the circle) into the circumference of the circle. Note: Discard the odd centimeters.
Example: is 62.43 m 62.42 m.
5th. Can only be used discs provided by the match organizers. You can not get the disk within the area;
and, all discs must be loaded back to the circle and not played.

Source: Athletics

Release Disk - Technical Considerations.

Release Disk - Technical Considerations.
Technical Considerations about album release.
A - Discus without Giro:
One. Fix the left foot in the act of balancing back.
2nd. The front leg is slightly bent in the starting position and center of gravity (CG) is on it.
3rd. Accentuate hip rotation with forward projection.
4th. The hip before it enters the throwing arm for it to be delayed. Accentuate the upward movement of
body, projecting the hip forward.
5th. When making the entry hip, the body goes up the left leg, as if being pulled up.
6th. Releasing the disc with arm extended laterally, preventing excessive rotation of the left shoulder at the end of the release.
7th. The disc should be at a height between the shoulder line and the waist line.
Discus Throw.
B - Discus Throw with Giro:
One. On completion of the movement, it is necessary to turn on the right foot, so that the disc does not escape to the right and
enables a good entry hip.
2nd. Do not overdo the jump, and do it fast razante; does not float your left leg, it should seek contact with the ground
as quickly as possible.
3rd. Avoid start the reversal before leaving the disk, not to lose the support point.
4th. Semiflexion legs to start position, the first step should not be too long.
5th. Insufficient prevent rotation of the hips.
6th. During the turn, look over your left shoulder.
7th. The pace of the release should have increasing speed.

Source: Athletics

Release Technique to Boost - Launch Disk.

Release Technique to Boost - Launch Disk.
Release the disc / disc release.
Launching with Impulse (with gyro):
Taking the position at the back of the circle, with the right foot and the left rim to the side slightly forward, in the direction
release. After one or more swings right behind, body weight on the right leg and right arm when you are far behind,
begins turning, spinning the sole of the left foot to the left. Body weight shifts to the left leg and right
leaves the ground, the knee remains flexed. Before the right foot touches the floor a quick turn left out of the body.
The right foot will tread the soil about 90cm from the starting position and step left, approximately in line with the launch.
Most of the weight is in the right leg after turning knees were flexed during the turn, the launcher
end in a low position.
Throughout the turn, the disk must be driven and far behind the body in a plane almost parallel to the ground. When an athlete
makes the final effort, he extends his right leg driving the hips forward, completing the turn, and the last thing
moving is hard. Without a good and quick entry hips, the disc never get far.
The launch may terminate or not a reversal. The right foot should come forward, shifting to the left that goes to
tras. This is done when there is an imbalance in the body. The launch is done with the combined forces of the legs, hips and
body. All of them are in front of the disc, pulling it forward with energy. All forces will swivel to the arm,
hand and fingers. At the end of the run, with perfection, there is a chin lift and head back.

Source: Athletics

Standing Technical Release - Launch Disk.

Standing Technical Release - Launch Disk.
Release the disc / disc release.
Release Stopped (without turning):
Feet apart (30 to 40cm), and holds the disc securely with your left hand underneath the height of the left shoulder, left side
body facing the direction of the launch. It is a displacement of the disc, palm down, back to the body and
makes it back.
Flex your legs and back to the right hip. The launch starts with the rotation of the hips and slight extension
legs. Then, when the right hip is forward, the right arm acts with an inclination of approximately 30 °,
and the disk out almost horizontally. It is the exchange of feet at the end of launching.

Source: Athletics

Technical Hilt - Launch Disk.

Technical Hilt - Launch Disk.

Release the disc / disc release.

a) The record is held by the fingertips slightly open. Its weight is almost all on the index and middle fingers, touching
the link between falanginha and falangeta. The minimum void and serve more balance and the thumb is on the outside.
Handle slightly bent, thus the disc touches the forearm by the upper rim.

b) The album should be released in a clockwise rotation clockwise (right hand). The indicator is giving this

Source: Athletics

The Launch Disk.

The Launch Disk.
Launch Disk or Disk Release:
The disc consists of a wooden body with metal plates nailed to the sides and will, in the exact center of the circle framed
by metal rim, a device designed to ensure your correct weight, which is the measurement box.
The discs for the male category should be 2kg (min) and Diameter extracted from the metal rim of 219mm (min) to 221mm (maximum).
The discs for the female category should be 1Kg (min) and diameter of the extracted metal rim of 180mm (min) to 182mm (maximum).
The disc must be thrown from a circle of concrete with a ring of iron or steel with 2.50 m internal diameter. This circle
is protected by a C-shaped cage with an opening 7m and 5m and a height of 4m (preferred). Should the disk
fall within the lines that mark a sector of 45 °.

Source: Athletics