Common Errors in Preparatory Activities.
- Many releases in error relate to compete without sufficient heating, neglecting the amount of exercise
- Neglect in the selection of footwear and protective gloves.
Common errors in Hilt.
- Wield the hammer without putting the 2nd phalanx of the fingers of his left hand over fist.
- Negligence in placing the right hand over the left.
Common Errors in Starting Position.
- Exaggerated contraction of the muscles of the shoulders and chest.
- Do not bend your leg slightly.
- Do a little twist of the torso to the right.
- Do not stand with your back to the direction of the hammer throw.
- Do not push the hammer with arms outstretched, letting them flex.
- Allow passing hands behind the head, and not on the forehead and top of head.
- Clumsiness in trunk rotation to the right (while the hammer performs the path behind the body),
unbalancing up.
- Make the rotation of the hammer in front of him.
- Clumsiness, failing to cause the hammer strikes the lowest point of the path to the right of the right foot
and the highest point on the left of the left shoulder.
- Do not run the reels at increasing speeds.
- Run an overwhelming number of preparatory swings tired arm too much before the launch.
- Arms flexed and contracted.
- Do not turn heel first (18O °) and complete return to the plant (18O °) of the left foot.
- Losing sight of the hammer during the turns.
- Take the left leg of the soil.
- Do not accelerate gradually the hammer at every turn.
- Do not give the time of "waiting" at every turn to start next.
- Do not counteract with the body centrifugal force generated by the rotating hammer. (You must tilt the body).
- Take a lot to put right leg on the ground after each spin.
Common errors in Hammer Throw Properly said.
- Launch the side of the left shoulder.
- Start doing the "pull" end with bent arms.
- Launching just created using the speed in three laps.
- Not coordinate final action, letting you add the action of the legs, trunk, chest and arms (extended).
- Do not throw over the left shoulder outside the 45 ° angle.
Common errors in Reversal.
- Lack of defense after the hammer throw, tipping up and committing a foul.
Source: Athletics
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