domingo, 5 de janeiro de 2014

A technique for hurdling.

A technique for hurdling.

The departure (start) in hurdling.
Departure American kind - bringing the trunk faster than speed in flat races.
On departure - 110m - 7 past
On departure - 200m - 10 past
On departure - 400m - 24 past
The approach the barrier.
With the athlete's leg has more easily raise firstly to overcome the barrier. The leg approach
should be high semi-flexed with the toe upward. The leg thrust only leave the ground after fully
extended. The leg should be that the athlete has more ease. The distance to approach the barrier should be more
or less than 2 meters.
The passage over the barrier.
The leg approach starts the downward movement about 20cm before the barrier, so the foot support approach soil
barrier near the center of gravity is ahead of that foot. The thigh of the leg is very close approach of the barrier.
The pusher leg leaves the ground and gently flexing ("dragged"), the head body and bent at the same time
came during the race.
The arms can be moved in the following ways:
- The arms are brought forward at the same time (the approach leg slightly behind);
- The arm of the leg approaches the front and the other behind or
- Bring forward the two arms, and shortly thereafter, bringing back the arm that is on the same side of the leg approach.
The support after passing the barrier.
The foot of the leg touches the ground approach by the plant leg semi-flexed.
The race between the barriers.
Soles, long strides and without exaggeration. After the first pass, all energies meet and spend an entire
The final race for the arrival - As in any sprint.
Breathing during the race.
The breathing should be normal looking athlete respiratory automation. Output to follow the first barrier
details of sprints.

Source: Athletics

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