quinta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2014

History of Athletics - Hellenic Period Olympics classics

History of Athletics - Hellenic Period Olympics classics.

The first phase of athletics reached its highest level in the regions of ancient Hellenic culture. Designed on the principle
as a simple game of physical effort to compete and get recognition from the community, with the Greeks, sport
became the highest aesthetic design which met in moral and spiritual values.

The fair píticas, isthmic, and Olympic neméias, participated in the most renowned sculptors, poets, painters, playwrights,
musicians and historians of ancient hellas that extolled the great achievements of the brightest athletes of his time.

The history of games goes back to Greek times older. The Olympic Games, the most famous of them were founded by
Hercules, the most renowned hero of antiquity and whose conclusion was four years in Olympia.

As an example of consideration so high that the cult of physical development among the Greek artists had, we have
immortals of magnificent odes "lyric poet of sport", as has been called Pindar, in which he counted the victories panhelénicas.
Homer immortalized the virtues of physical effort in the corners of the epics Iliad and Odyssey, and Miron bequeathed us through
its wonderful sculptures that symbolized the famous discóbulo Physical Education.

In the Olympics the highlight was the pentathlon, consisting of running, throwing hard, long jump, shot
Dart and fight. Each test was round, so that the final proof came only two athletes. The winner was
crowned hero of the game, and it taxed the highest honors. Today the Pentathlon gave way in importance to
Decathlon and its winner is given the title of "0 Complete Athlete".

Around the evidence began to emerge athletic legends, always with a grain of truth.
It is said that the Ledas Lacedônia was so fast that his feet did not reach the mark sand, which managed to win Lastheno
a horse, and that Polinester could reach a hare in the race. All these events had a clear objective,
glorify athletes and encourage more young people to practice sports using the stimulus oldest and efficient
Pedagogy knows that - imitation. The earliest people of our age have followed this example.

Source: Athletics

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