quinta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2014

Olympics - Helsinki (Finland) 1952.

Olympics - Helsinki (Finland) 1952.

For the most important athletics competitions in the world are held the Olympic games. These are carried out in four
in four years in different countries who apply to be the organizers.

15 ° Olympics - Helsinki (Finland) 1952.
In these games there was the premiere of the Soviet Union there was much speculation about it in the press. Both teams
(Russian and American) prepared with large monetary resources and this rivalry contributed to the technical content of
various tests remain higher than expected. Paavo Nurmi was asked to light the Olympic cauldron and received a great ovation.

As heroes of these games had Emil Zatopek and Ademar Ferreira da Silva.
0 Czech Zatopek united in their training for endurance and explosion print speed race. He won the 5,000 m,
10.000mea marathon thus deserving the nickname "human locomotive".
The Brazilian Adhemar Ferreira da Silva won the triple jump world record for receiving the nickname "Kangaroo Brazilian."
Ari feat de Sá was the 4th in the long jump.
José Teles da Conceição was the 3rd in the high jump.

Again the sport contributed to peace and Americans and Russians left Helsinki confraternizados.

Source: Athletics

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