domingo, 5 de janeiro de 2014

Rasos 100m - Types of outputs

Rasos 100m - Types of outputs.

It is fundamentally a problem of individual adaptation.
The teacher will give the basic principles and fundamental athlete will look your best adaptation according to their
individual characteristics.

Classification of outputs: - We have 3 types of outputs are short, medium and long.

Output short.
The legs are close together and this permits an output with greater rapidity (frequency) of the steps in
first 30 yards with a great wear Energy Nervosa, and you can not maintain this frequency in
entire route of the race.

Average output.
It is one of the most widely adopted in the world for athletes achieve a better state early speed, if you have the
an output sense of being slow but accelerated takes the same to achieve a stride length earlier.

Long output.
It has the disadvantage of placing the athlete in a very comfortable position and could cause your reflexes are

Source: Athletics

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