Training - Circuit Training.
The Circuit Training - RE Morgan and GT Adamson Origin and purpose:
After the last World War, student LEEDS joined forces and collaborated for many years in order to improve
a training method while effective and attractive.
This method, to abolish the old notion of "training
platoons ", proposes an individualized training, a gradual improvement of the physical condition, developing strength
and muscle power, local muscular endurance and cardio-pulmonary endurance.
The essential idea of the "circuit training" implies a complete development of the individual, but admits, however, an
sufficient flexibility so that we can constantly innovate and adapt training.
(For example, the particularizing
work on one or other of the basic physical qualities.)
Systems and methods used:
This was run three times subsequently, a circuit in which are provided various types of exercises to be
repeated a number of times and with the following loads:
- For Strength: Using up heavy loads, such that the number of possible repetitions is less than 10.
- For the Power: Proceed with fast execution of exercises with heavy loads.
- For Muscular Strength Located: Use types of exercises that allow 30 repetitions.
OBS.: To combine Muscular Strength and Endurance, using types of exercises with additional loads such that the number
of repetitions is between 10 and 30.
Force Factor will predominate if the number is close to 10 and
Muscular endurance factor of 30 if neighbor.
Thereafter predominate cardiopulmonary endurance.
For endurance, which is obtained by a long and medium intensity or one or more alternating efforts
less intense, it will be acquired by the sum of continuous efforts required for conducting the next three circuits.
Note: The interest of the sessions is mainly raised by the runtime of the circuit, which should always be sought
This allows us to observe progress, and track the results to create a rivalry (competition)
and gradually increase the intensity of work local or generalized.
The Strength of Labor:
The dose of the individual work must be high enough so that after the final lap of the circuit, it may
reach approximately the maximum capacity of the thrower (maximum pulse 180/200 beats per minute).
As work on each individual exercise obtained by dividing by two the maximum number of repetitions that can
perform performer, given a circuit-test when you get a minute of rest between each exercise, running
responsibilities to the fullest.
The total time circuit (3 turns without interruption) will be 10 to 30 minutes.
Experience indicates that the minimum number is two sessions per week, but you can practice daily to Circuit Training
without any problem.
Typical exercises - Choice of exercises:
In the choice of exercises, two requirements must be met before introducing them into a circuit.
The first is
know what is the intensity of effort they will demand and the second concerns the muscle groups that request, the
which must be operated alternately.
The exercises should be of interest to all muscle groups: in this respect and Morgan Adamson adopt the classification Anatomical:
a) Arms and Shoulders (grip exercises, climbing, develop, improve, etc.).
b) Dorsal (lumbar region of the back is the weakest point of the human musculature with respect to the efforts that
it is submitted).
c) Abs (seems the best exercises are those in which the abdominal muscles are the engines).
d) Exercise the legs and general exercises - (All-legged exercise in view of the huge muscle mass that places
at stake is indeed a general exercise).
e) Exercises combined.
Number of Years:
The number of exercises should be between 6 and 12 per circuit.
These exercises should be simple and easy
realization in order to allow rapid acquisition of quality for its implementation.
OBS.: Some handlers tried to adapt Circuit Training Morgan and Adamson, introducing the circuit, two or three
exercises characteristic of their sport (exercise balls, especially in Sport Collective).
However, the yield of the physical condition relative questionable, because it is considered that there is a marked decrease
difficulty in such exercises.
However, it is the psychological attraction they offer appearing as
solution to include exercises that are characteristic of easy implementation and require considerable effort and continuous.
Source: Athletics
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