In obtaining the overall fitness basic physical qualities to be developed are: coordination,
resistance, speed, strength and flexibility, which are studied separately.
- Total Training (general labor)
- Development of basic physical qualities: coordination, strength, endurance, flexibility and speed.
- Yield (physical fitness).
The basic physical qualities has been the subject of many classifications; prefer to present as such, the above
above. Any physical activity is characterized by a duration and intensity of exercise, caused by a stimulus
(Load) and promoting the body adaptations. This is nothing more than the overload principle. Means for loading the weight of the segments of the body (arms, legs, trunk), the body itself, the companion and all elements and devices used in gymnastics and dumbbells.
Principle of Overload
Stimulus load -> Adaptation (Office)
If we have an effort of short duration and high intensity, we work almost exclusively molecular structure
developing strength if this force is performed with speed, we are developing power.
Moreover, the response to stimuli of medium intensity and duration in effect a small degree in skeletal muscle and
requesting the cardiorespiratory function, promoting organic adaptations (heart and lung), develops resistance;
if we reduce the intensity and lengthen its duration, develop quality "endurance", requiring the organism
predominant reaction cardio respiratory system.
The other physical qualities: speed, flexibility and coordination are more correlated with the nervous system;
neuro-muscular reaction.
Several researchers have concluded that until the age of 10 the main concern should be coordination; 10 to
12, begins with the preparation aiming at resistance and endurance. After 15 years, improved strength, flexibility
not necessary in younger than by being present at a satisfactory level. The speed is not connected
specifically to a certain age.
Speed is determined in part by heredity and can be benefited by the exercises.
Flexibility: the child's natural flexibility and after this phase will only be able to maintain it through exercise.
Source: Athletics
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