quinta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2014

Olympic Games - London 1908.

Olympic Games - London 1908.

For the most important athletics competitions in the world are held the Olympic games. These are carried out in four
in four years in different countries who apply to be the organizers.

4 ° Olympics - London 1908.
There was a great effort made by the British to give brilliance due to games. This time the government
British gave substantial help that everything went well. But the rains hindered greatly competitions to
couple of many protests made by team managers. Assigns to this the fact that the judges were all English and
not neutral as if the IOC wanted.

Former paralytic Ray Ewvry already had acted successfully in the 2nd and 3rd games, winning his medals shine again.
In marathon lamented the fact that the downgrading of Italian Pietro Dorandi which to enter the stadium first
place, fell and was raised by judges and assisted on demand of the entire audience. Dorandi not won a medal
but gold was presented by Queen Alexandra with a gold cup.

Source: Athletics

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