quinta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2014

Olympics - Stockholm 1912.

Olympics - Stockholm 1912.

For the most important athletics competitions in the world are held the Olympic games. These are carried out in four
in four years in different countries who apply to be the organizers.

5th Olympics - Stockholm 1912.
These games reached the flawless organization and claims tried before. Since 1904 when the Swedes had their
capital chosen to host the games and they were dedicated to them with love and tenacity. They were perfect hosts,
athletes, organizers and demonstrated loudly carry the Olympic ideal. Everything was done quietly, without fanfare, without
promptly and accurately.

These games had many highlights. The Swedish team performance gave much joy to King Gustavus Adolphus.
The victories of the Kolehmaine lO.OOOm 5,000 m and Cross Country began the fame of the "Flying Finns".
But the greatest of all was the American Indian Jim Thorpe won the pentathlon and decathlon. He was given a standing ovation by the audience,
and received the title of greatest athlete in the world to be greeted by the king.

Source: Athletics

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