sexta-feira, 21 de março de 2014

How to develop coordination.

How to develop coordination.
Coordination is an essential quality physical predominantly linked to the nervous system.
Coordination allows combining the action of various muscle groups in performing a sequence of movements, with
relaxation of the antagonist muscle group, achieving greater efficiency with economy of effort.
It is an indispensable component of all constituent factors of motor ability (endurance, strength, speed,
flexibility and coordination own).
Fetch up coordination through a psychomotor education, that is, taking the child to realize his own body,
to become aware of your posture, attitude and movement, establishing a motor domain, followed by guidance spatiotemporal and complemented with the definition of their laterality.

The development of the coordination means are similar to the velocity, in view of the origin neurormuscular
Common to both; should only be given greater value of sensitivity muscle and joint development scheme
body. The basic idea is the creation of automatism, the choice of guided exercises from simple to complex
to achieve sporting gestures.

Automatism = Large number of repetitions -> Simple exercises -> Exercises complex
How to develop coordination:
a) gymnastics soil;
b) judo;
c) athletics (jumps);
d) pre-sports games with ball;
e) team sports.

Source: Athletics

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