segunda-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2014

Technical Hammer Throw.

Technical Hammer Throw.
Hilt: Starting position, rotation of the hammer throw and reversal action.
The hammer is safe with your left hand (right handed release) released for the left side. In order to achieve greater firmness in
Release the right hand is placed upon pressing the left. The wrists are parallel. The use of gloves is permitted.
The Starting Position: Athlete puts himself at the back of the circle with their backs to the direction of the hammer throw, small
lateral spacing and the knees slightly bent.
The Rotation Hammer: Boost hammer with straight arms. The hammer goes down in front of the body, for
inclined plane flexing his arms, his hand coming towards the top of the head, the torso in this position performs
a rotation sudden passing right forearm over his head. When the hammer begins his last
swing and spin down, from right to left, the athlete is at the start of the 1st 3 rounds which should
run before releasing it.
The Action to Launch: At the end of the 3rd round, only the "drop" the hammer will ensure a good release thanks to the great strength
3 revolutions of the centrifuge. The hammer is released onto the left shoulder at an angle of roughly 45 ° with respect to
The Reversal: It's the return of the feet at the end of the release in the "drop".

Source: Athletics

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