segunda-feira, 31 de março de 2014

Training - Sample Circuits - Circuit Training - Examples of circuits.

Training - Sample Circuits - Circuit Training - Examples of circuits.
(Prepared by Morgam and Adamson, in order of difficulty and designated by colors.)

See description of the list of exercises on the topic "Training - Circuit Training Exercises."
Circuit White - normal circuit with 9 easy exercises.
Exercises No: 15, 20, 21, 14, 16, 12, 18, 22 and 1.
Length range is 15 minutes.
Colors: Strength and Endurance.
Circuit Blue - normal circuit hard with 9 exercises.
Exercises No: 15, 16, 3, 14, 13, 2, 19, 8 and 1.
Length range is 15 minutes.
Colors: Force

domingo, 30 de março de 2014

Training - Organisation of a Circuit - Circuit Training.

Training - Organisation of a Circuit - Circuit Training.
Learning Circle:
The first 3 sessions will be studied.
Test for Determination of Individual Dosage:
This session will be very intense and tiring. Certain exercises are very stressful and you must register the
total number of repetitions (circuit training exercises numbers 16 and 18, for example, where time of 30 seconds seems enough). Anyway, other exercises of low intensity which most repetitions is 30, will work
endurance (circuit training exercises numbers 15 and 20, for example, where the timeout is set to one minute).

sábado, 29 de março de 2014

Training - Circuit Training Exercises.

Training - Circuit Training Exercises.
Examples of exercises.
Enunciate below, 24 proposed exercises Morgan and Adamson, which can serve as guidelines for the development of a Circuit Training:
1 - Balancing, suspended alternately in two strings with repulsion of the legs on a wooden beam placed
between the ropes. Is to move from one side to the other of the beam suspended on a rope now, sometimes in another, hands up to the face, feet tapping and knocking on the beam passage.
2 - Coil - consists of winding and unwinding, without stopping, on a stick, a rope which hangs a weight of 10 to 15kg.

sexta-feira, 28 de março de 2014

Athletics Training - Circuit Training.

Training - Circuit Training.
The Circuit Training - RE Morgan and GT Adamson Origin and purpose:
After the last World War, student LEEDS joined forces and collaborated for many years in order to improve
a training method while effective and attractive. This method, to abolish the old notion of "training
platoons ", proposes an individualized training, a gradual improvement of the physical condition, developing strength and muscle power, local muscular endurance and cardio-pulmonary endurance.

The essential idea of ​​the "circuit training" implies a complete development of the individual, but admits, however, an sufficient flexibility so that we can constantly innovate and adapt training. (For example, the particularizing work on one or other of the basic physical qualities.)

quinta-feira, 27 de março de 2014

Race Training - Interval Training System.

Race Training - Interval Training System.
Interval Training.
The training system known by that name consisting of a succession numerous efforts of short duration and intensity below the maximum, with reduced rest interval. This training is currently adopted by all the major corridors and aims to achieve the highest performances. The most striking effect of this method on training the athletes are follows:

quarta-feira, 26 de março de 2014

History Of Interval Training and Employment

History Of Interval Training and Employment.
The Interval Training was introduced in Germany after the 2nd World War. The 1st athlete who put in place was the German.
Harbig and raised its apogee with the practice's famous aisle Zatopeck. This always ran from his home to work and back about 2000m, 400m and noticed that doing rest and then run again, yielded more, then began practicing Interval Training.

domingo, 23 de março de 2014

Race Training - American System.

Race Training - American System.
American System of Athletic Training.
Basically, is to train on the track under the supervision of a coach. The idea is to train with power, with all the will and sacrifice to win. The amerciano philosophy is: "there is no pleasure if not to win."
Requires continuous supervision by trained, which is an advantage, because any failure of the athlete will be
soon noticed and corrected. As a disadvantage, they argue that training circling the track is monotonous and tiring mentally the athlete.
One of the schemes used by most Americans in the technical training of their athletes, and the following:
Monday: Walk longer distances than proof;
Tuesday: Walk distances smaller than proof;
Wednesday: "Shot" of proof to time;
Thursday: Practice weaknesses (speed or strength);

sábado, 22 de março de 2014

Race Training - Swedish system.

Race Training - Swedish system.
Swedish System of Athletic Training.
The Swedish training method, better known under the name fartlek that a free translation means "speed match" particularly aimed at the preparation of middle-distance runner. The Fartlek training is to leave the tracks and go forest, field, etc.. where the surface is soft and elastic. In large cities, where it is difficult to find a forest, you should make another track around the athletic field, covering it with sawdust.

This training keeps leg muscles soft, flexible and elastic. In the words of Gesta Holmer, creator of Fartlek, "a muscle flexible produces greater speed than a tight muscle. "

sexta-feira, 21 de março de 2014

How to develop coordination.

How to develop coordination.
Coordination is an essential quality physical predominantly linked to the nervous system.
Coordination allows combining the action of various muscle groups in performing a sequence of movements, with
relaxation of the antagonist muscle group, achieving greater efficiency with economy of effort.
It is an indispensable component of all constituent factors of motor ability (endurance, strength, speed,
flexibility and coordination own).
Fetch up coordination through a psychomotor education, that is, taking the child to realize his own body,
to become aware of your posture, attitude and movement, establishing a motor domain, followed by guidance spatiotemporal and complemented with the definition of their laterality.

quinta-feira, 20 de março de 2014

How to develop flexibility.

How to develop flexibility.
Flexibility is a component of fitness on the functional ability of joints to move within
ideal limits of a particular action.
Articulate Muscle Elasticity + Mobility = Flexibility.
The elasticity of muscles and tendons and ligaments and joint mobility play a decisive role in learning
of sports techniques, bringing the performer to its maximum expression. The muscles, tendons and ligaments inactive experience
gradual shortening mechanism that damages the motor body. For more aplitude movements are recommended
stretching exercises, favoring the elasticity of muscles and tendons as well as strengthening and loosening
joint ligaments. Stretching exercises should always be interspersed with relaxation exercises.
By increasing flexibility, through specific exercise, enriched by physical fitness when acquiring
Agility is in the foreground.
How to develop flexibility:
a) flexion and extension exercises, aimed at stretching the muscle group worked;
b) loosening exercises (relaxation).
Note: The muscle stretching exercises should only be made after a heating, and never with sudden movements and

Source: Athletics

quarta-feira, 19 de março de 2014

How to improve the speed races.

How to improve the speed races.
The physical sets as the speed ratio between the distance traveled and the time spent.
Speed ​​= space / time
Its features are:
a) maximum intensity
b) minimum
According to several researchers, the speed is a quality individual and the cream of training to perfect.
The speed appears:
- Development of the individual, from one place to another;
- The rapid movement of his gestures;
- The reaction of an individual.

terça-feira, 18 de março de 2014

Strength, Stamina and Endurance.

Strength, Stamina and Endurance.
Strength: The strength concept refers to the ability to overcome great resistance. At the time factor might not have
fundamental importance, while in power, the time factor is decisive. To manage the development of strength
muscle, there is need to increase the cross section of the muscle that is being worked on, and this is only possible with
a maximum load, determining few replications (4 to 6).
It is recommended to group these efforts series, interspersing them with relatively large pillows for recovery.
How to develop strength:
a) series of exercises with weights (dumbbells);
b) series of exercises with fellow weight;
c) exercise series as opposed to the partner;

segunda-feira, 17 de março de 2014

Physical qualities of athletes in athletics.

Physical qualities of athletes in athletics.
In obtaining the overall fitness basic physical qualities to be developed are: coordination,
resistance, speed, strength and flexibility, which are studied separately.
- Total Training (general labor)
- Development of basic physical qualities: coordination, strength, endurance, flexibility and speed.
- Yield (physical fitness).
The basic physical qualities has been the subject of many classifications; prefer to present as such, the above
above. Any physical activity is characterized by a duration and intensity of exercise, caused by a stimulus
(Load) and promoting the body adaptations. This is nothing more than the overload principle. Means for loading the weight of the segments of the body (arms, legs, trunk), the body itself, the companion and all elements and devices used in gymnastics and dumbbells.

domingo, 16 de março de 2014

Competition Athletics - Duration of the evidence.

Competition Athletics - Duration of the evidence.
Approximate times of duration of athletics.
series isolated from 100m - 200m - 400m lasts approximately 10 minutes.
series of isolated 800m or 1500m shallow lasts approximately 15 minutes.
series of isolated shallow 3000m lasts approximately 25 minutes.
series of isolated shallow 5000m lasts approximately 30 minutes.
series of isolated shallow 10000m lasts approximately 45 minutes.

sábado, 15 de março de 2014

Competition Athletics - Organization of the program.

Competition Athletics - Organization of the program.
Technical factors:
- Runners doing 100m: 200m and long jump
- Runners doing 400m: 800m.
- 800m runners doing: 1500m.
- Making pitchers weight: disc, javelin and hammer.
- Jumpers doing away: triple jump.
Factors that arouse public interest:
- Open competition with 110m hurdles, pole vault and shot put and height.
- Separate the background evidence

sexta-feira, 14 de março de 2014

Competition Athletics - Equipment.

Competition Athletics - Equipment.
Equipment for field trials:
Implements, spare fists, shakes, shingles, lath forks for placement of the poles, tape measures 20, 50 and
100m, flags, numbered cubes, hoes, sockets, brooms.
Equipments for track events:
10 (ten) for each lane barriers, whistle to judge departure and arrival pistol cartridges feast, timers, ball
wool, sticks, ladder for judges and timekeepers starting blocks.
General equipment:
Framework for scoring, megaphones, slips, clipboards for judges, pencil, rules, table to annotate and trophies
number of cloth, pins, tables to count points in the combined events, badges for judges, Kit First
aid, massage tables in locker rooms, chairs for the authorities. Tips for starting blocks.
Material Preparation:
- Demarcation of the stadium
- Mobile and fixed equipment
1) Track: Streaks, departure, arrival, passing zone, local barriers, poles arrival.
2) Field: state of the bounding boxes, digging the sand, check the circles mark the sectors, rings, poles
for jumps.

Source: Athletics

quinta-feira, 13 de março de 2014

Competition Athletics - Organization qualifier.

Competition Athletics - Organization qualifier.
Organization of the evidence Qualifiers.
- Preliminary
- Semi-finals
- Final
Preliminary one day, in another semi-final
Some measures:
One. Meeting on the eve of judges: get the details right
2nd. Presence in the stadium: athletes and judges who will act in the moment.
3rd. Require prompt service calls to the evidence.
4th. Presence of Judges and charge half hour before the start.
5th. Announcer, to put the gifts abreast of what is going on.
6th. Rewarding after each race.
7th. Distribute programs.

Source: Athletics

quarta-feira, 12 de março de 2014

Athletics Competition - Distribution of subscribers.

Athletics Competition - Distribution of subscribers.
Distribution of subscribers - In track events
- Draw
- Arrangement
- Criterion of the best athletes and entities
- Large number of entries and the competition just one day
- Runners with the best time in the final
- Disadvantages: the contestants run out in the preliminaries.
Distribution of subscribers - In field events:
- When the number of athletes is great: - index
Program Schedule:
- After knowing the number of tests, number of competitors, the competition time available, location and type of evidence.
- Caution: interval between the tests only the necessary.
- Consequence: take the interest away from the competition and makes the audience.

Source: Athletics

terça-feira, 11 de março de 2014

Competition Athletics - Evidence Rustic.

Competition Athletics - Evidence Rustic.
Factors to consider:
One. choice of land
2nd. tracing the route
3rd. departure
4th. control corridors
5th. arrival
6th. reporting results
- Column by a team, one beside the other, completing the final.
- Voice of attention almost beside the shot.
- Rope, about 50m to the ground if false start.

segunda-feira, 10 de março de 2014

Competition Athletics - Local Evidence.

Competition Athletics - Local Evidence.
a) Choose the location:
Ideal: Stadium
b) Choose the evidence:
- Time available - class athletes
- Material available
- Evidence classic track: 100m, 200m, 400m, hurdles loom, 110m hurdles, 400m hurdles, 800m, 1500m, 3000m, 5000m,
10000m, 3000m steeplechase, 4x100m and 4x400m relays.
- Evidence classical field: jumps and throws
- Evidence classic rustic: cross-country - marathon (42.195m)
- Evidence classic combined: decathlon - pentathlon

domingo, 9 de março de 2014

Competition Athletics - Materials.

Competition Athletics - Materials.

Materials Required (Forecast)
- Barriers (80)
- Whistles
- Timers
- Revolver and ammunition feast
- Mattresses
- Saltômetros height
- Saltômetros stick
- Sand spreader (road)
- Trends
- Sticks
- Weights

sábado, 8 de março de 2014

Competition Athletics - Arbitration

Competition Athletics - Arbitration

- Director General
- Technical Director
- Secretary
- Annotators (Pointers)
- Announcer
- Messengers
- Commissioner

sexta-feira, 7 de março de 2014

Competition Athletics - Program schedule.

Competition Athletics - Program schedule.

Hours: 08:00
Race: 110m hurdles 1st Round.
Jumping: Jumping Pole.
Pitching / Release: Shot Put and Javelin Throw.

Hours: 08:10
Race: 110m hurdles 2nd Round.
Heels: -
Pitching / release: -

quinta-feira, 6 de março de 2014

Competition Athletics - Intellectual Preparation.

Organizing a Contest Athletics - Intellectual Preparation.
a) Program Schedule;
b) Staff required for Arbitration and
c) Provision of necessary equipment.

quarta-feira, 5 de março de 2014

Important Aspects - Racing medium and long distances

Important Aspects - Racing medium and long distance (some technical aspects).
- The oscillation of the arms is shorter and the arms move towards internal trunk.
- There is a marked elevation of the thigh.
- Steps are longer.

terça-feira, 4 de março de 2014

Important Aspects - racing speed.

Important Aspects - racing speed.
Running speed (some technical aspects)
- Arms work more vigorously and has a swing towards lateral trunk.
- There is a marked elevation of the heel, which often touches the buttocks.
- Hodierniamente: there is not a marked elevation of the thigh and in return there is a marked extension of the leg it supports.

segunda-feira, 3 de março de 2014

Important Aspects - Triple Jump

Important Aspects - Triple Jump

Important Aspects - Triple Jump (some observations).
1 - the point of contact with the ground is made with a more vertical position of the body
2 - there is a slight backward tilt of the trunk at the time of takeoff.

Asymmetrical - Polish school movement of the arms.

symmetrical - Soviet school career jump.

domingo, 2 de março de 2014

Important Aspects - Weight, Disco and Dart.

Important Aspects - Weight, Disco and Dart.

Important Aspects - Weight.
- A leg which extends close to the ground must follow;
- A side elevation of the stem and not the rotation thereof and
- Extending the leg ("recoil") should be well exploited.

Important Aspects - Disc.
- Making the most of displacement along the diameter of the circle and
- Try a radius widest possible trajectory oriented (hands) disc.

Important Aspects - Dart
- Increased attention to part of bodybuilding;

sábado, 1 de março de 2014

Training Sprinters

Training Sprinters.

1st Stage:
- Maximum speed: 20 - 60m
- Stimulation w / system pyramid.

2nd Step:
- Speed-resistance: 300m - 600m
- 65% to 35% speed
- End of 2nd Step: Loom - 200m - decreasing stimuli (one paragraph of repetitions).

3rd Step:
- Rhythm resistance: 60 to 150m